Thursday 6 June 2024:
UUHAI Thursday 6 June 2024

Thu 6 Jun 2024, 19:00 - Underworld Night Club, London
UUHAI is much more than just a music group - they are a complete experience, a captivating fusion
... of Mongolian Folk and Metal sounds that transcend cultural boundaries. Their indelible imprint on all... those who have had the privilege of attending their concerts makes them pioneers in the world of music... , and powerful cultural ambassadors for Mongolia.
"The program always includes the most exotic folk

Wednesday 31 July 2024:
THE DREADNOUGHTS Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wed 31 Jul 2024, 19:00 - Underworld Night Club, London
live shows spanning the globe. They’ve blended punk rock and a bunch of European folk traditions with a
... aren’t really a band, they’re an advocacy group, ruthlessly promoting the idea that folk and punk music... The Dreadnoughts began to play folk-punk in 2007 with a single goal: to make enough money at shows... of, it’s their live show, which follows the first (and only) rule of punk rock: keep it chaotic

Tuesday 13 August 2024:
TROBAR DE MORTE Tuesday 13 August 2024

Tue 13 Aug 2024, 19:00 - Underworld Night Club, London
The dark pagan folk band from Spain released their ninth studio album in autumn 2023, three years

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